Hello colleagues!
Finally, we reached the end of our course, the time passed incredibly fast!
Now, I'm looking at our Wiki, Nicenetand my Blog, and I've come to conclusion that we did enormous work!
It's absolutely fascinating!
Throughout the course, I tried tons of useful things with my students, you know what, they now look at the Internet resources with great interest and enthusiasm. Thank you Courtney for helpful resources and beneficial ideas! You did it! Now I incorporate new tools and technology more frequently than I did before. The credit goes to you Courtney as an instructor of this course! I appreciate each of your step in clarifying every piece of information, thank you once again! I've created lots of things online and the results, I hope are more than just good! The best thing is definitely a "WebQuest", it was really challenging extra credit task, but I coped with it successfully!

Also, creating a Blog was fun and interesting in the same way as Padlet and Interactive PPT.
By the way, I started implementing the Blog and Padlet on my lessons! Ss love it! As for Quizlet and Delicious my results are the following:

As for other tools, such as creating a Google Doc, online handouts with various activities and Google forms, they were quite interesting too! These tools are very time-saving indeed! In a nutshell, this week was really interesting one, because I've identified my level of technology integration, it was useful and beneficial! I'd like to thank all of you colleagues for fruitful collaboration and useful feedback on my work throughout the course! Your thought-provoking ideas were absolutely essential!
Thank you a lot! I wish you all the best! Best regards, Zulyar Kavashev Kazakhstan, Almaty |