Hello everyone!
I've learned some basic information before creating this blog. I've found out that there are lots of terms connected with blog. Here you'll find some useful vocab, so let me share it with all of you, afterwards you can even share it with your students.
Blogger - a person who writes a blog;
Blogging - the act of writing a blog;
Blogsphere - the collection of blogs available online;
I've learned some basic information before creating this blog. I've found out that there are lots of terms connected with blog. Here you'll find some useful vocab, so let me share it with all of you, afterwards you can even share it with your students.
Blogger - a person who writes a blog;
Blogging - the act of writing a blog;
Weblog - online Web site that allows people to reflect and communicate with each other;
Blog - (shortened Weblog). It can also be used as a verb, meaning to add a content to a blog;
Blogsphere - the collection of blogs available online;
Edublog - an education-related blog;
Edublogsphere - the collection of education blogs online;
Edublogger - a person who creates a blog for eduction.
I would like to start incorporating this great tool in my classroom with my students and teachers as well. I think this course will be the first step to fulfil my teaching goals in the sphere of webskills.
Hi Zulyar Kavashev,
ReplyDeleteGreat job on your blog! It's really interesting to see different vocabs & terms of "blog".
Personally, I hope our blogs will be an inspirational "EDUblog" for students and other fellow teachers.
Additionally, after starting a blog now I profoundly understand how "Blog" can be a useful educational tool between the different stakeholders (teachers-parents-students-students).
Hello, Zulyar!
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to say I share your enthusiasm for using blogs in both teaching and communication with colleague teachers. From my Week 1 experience I believe this will be a great course.
Good luck to us all!
Gordana from Serbia
Hello Zulyar,
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for sharing those helpful vocabulary! I really appreciate. As it is my first time to use a blog, now I'm getting to know how it works and how it can help us in class (or in other fields) to enhance interactions despite distance. It's very practical. I hope I will learn more and more about it and from it.
All the best!
Ravaka from Madagascar
Hello Zulyar,
ReplyDeleteOr should I say Hello fellow "edublogger". Thanks for the list of terms.
Happy Blogging!
Sharmila from India
Hi Zulyar,
ReplyDeleteI love your trully linguistic and practical attitude towards writing this blog!
Thank you for all the terms!
I would also add a vlog - a video blog, which I found out was extremely interesting for my teenage students. You can find a great example of vlogs with some tasks at British Council for Teens website here: http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/study-break/video-zone/vlog-celebrities
Hello Hanna,
DeleteThank you for sharing this link with us. I had a look at it, and it sounds beneficial.
Abeer Q
Hello Zulyar,
ReplyDeleteIt is so nice of you to share these blog terms with us. It is good to know some blogging vocabulary.
Happy Edublogging,
Abeer Q