Friday, 21 November 2014


Burning Week 7

Hello everyone!

This week we've encountered with "hot issues" like "Autonomous Language Learning/Learner Autonomy", "One Computer Classroom"
and "M-Learning".

As for "Autonomous Language Learning/Learner Autonomy" I absolutely agree with three basic pedagogical principles:

1.Learner involvement - engaging learners;

2.Learner reflection - plan, monitor and evaluate learning;

3.Appropriate target language use - the target language as medium of language learning.

Furthemore, I've found lots of ways to enhance learner autonomy, I'd like to list, which I liked most of all:

1."E-Portfolio" - a digital collection of student's work and achievements;

2."Edublog" - a blog with an educational purpose;

3."MALL"/M-Learning" - learning which involves the use of mobile media, such as MP3 players, iPad, iPod or mobile phones;

4."CALL" - an approach to language teaching and learning which uses computer technology;

5."VLE" - a software system designed to help teachers manage online educational courses. Also known as (MLEs) and ;

6."Texting" - a form of communication whereby text messages are sent via mobile phones;

7."eTandem" - finding partners around the world via email, telephone and other media for creating learner autonomy;

8."LMS Blackboard" - learning management system for delivering distance learning.

Also, with "One Computer Classroom" there are variety things to do to improve self-study of learners.

It can be used for making presentations, creating different things in one group, colloborative learning tool and essential information resource as well.

I've understood one importatnt thing that when you use "One Computer Classroom" you should balance between non-computer work and computer work itself, so as to achieve cooperative learning environment.

Another tool we've been introduced is "Padlet Wall". I like this tool a lot, you can use it for any educational purposes.

In my case, I'd like to use it for sharing ideas and thoughts on how to perform effectively on language exams and on each lesson as well.

In addition, a couple of words on '2b/2b=?' )) 'To be, or not to be. That is the question', (Shakespear's Hamlet) of course, it's about "M-Learning".

I believe that this tool is the easiest way to create learner autonomy and engage all students at once.

Again as any tool it has some drawbacks such as it won't be affordable for some learners, but anyway, it can be used with any phones, simply as instant messaging.

All the ideas listed in "20 Ideas to use phone effectively" are very useful, it offers to use everything in the phone so as to achieve great engaging results while teaching the subject.

Best regards,
Zulyar Kavashev
Kazakhstan, Almaty


  1. Hi, Zulyar!

    Great retrospective of Week 7! It really has been full of hot issues.

    I love the 2b/2b=? phrase :) Makes me think of Hamlet and Ophelia in this modern age of would they have handled it? Who are modern Hamlets and Ophelias? Has technology brought us closer to each other or has it made the world more inhuman? Here's an interesting quotation: "Technology is the knack of so arranging the world that we don’t have to experience it.“ Max Frisch (1911 – 1991), Swiss architect, playwright and novelist. I'm not sure I agree with it, but it definitely provides food for thought.

    Gordana from Serbia

  2. Hi Zulyar,

    I love the look of you blog post this week! It is really colorful and attractive!

    I agree with Gordana in liking your 2b/2b=? phrase. Very innovative!

    I am so happy to have you on board as one of my peer review partners.

    Three cheers to our partnership!

    Sharmila from India

  3. Hello Gordana and Sharmila!

    Many thanks for though-provoking feedback!

    I highly appreciate our partnership!

    Thanks colleagues!

    Best regards,

  4. Hi zular,
    I love your colorful and attractive post.You are doing great and you are such an experienced teacher to use the technology .
    Best regards
