This week was full of new things, let's say it was more practical in terms of
applicability of previously learnt resources.
I've learnt a lot about Blackboard features, it's perfect and dynamic educational platform to use with my students. Actually, I've just started creating my first online course for future IELTS classes in this brilliant platform.
Then I've created a "Padlet Wall" for my Pre-Intermediate Ss to share their thoughts and reflection about each lesson.
Next step was creation of edublog for my current IELTS classes, so as to enhance their writing skills in part 2 Writing essay task.
The links for all above mentioned resources can be found in our wiki and Nicenet platforms.
What was new for me is "ANVILL" (A National Virtual Language Lab) platform
introduced by Jeff Magoto. This is absolutely free, which is quite good for ESL
teachers. In the article by Tina Deveny Oestreich about tech highlights
introduced me to lots of new tools, so one of them is "ANVILL". I really like
the idea that it can be used as LMS. I consider that it's one of the Bboard
features as well. I'll definitely incorporate it in my teaching. I don't know
how to start, but perhaps, I will start with "Trace Effects" game, so as to
engage my Ss. It's great! Thanks Jeff a lot for this innovative approach!
Then I've created a puzzle for my Intermediate students on topic called "Describing People" in
Finally, I've created again my first wiki in, this is a link to it
As for my final project, I've done a lot this week, I think it's almost finished, my partners were great, thanks Sharmila and Gordana for being so helpful in this project review task! Thanks a lot colleagues! I appreciate everything!
In a nutshell, I enjoyed this week by trying out different tools! Thanks Courtney!
Best regards,
Zulyar Kavashev
Kazakhstan, Almaty